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Associated Rigging

Social Procurement

Rachel McCann Crane Operator

Our strategy

As a company committed to making a positive impact in our community, we recognise that our purchasing decisions have the power to drive change and create meaningful social and environmental outcomes.

Our social procurement strategy is rooted in our values of sustainability, diversity, and inclusion. We believe that by leveraging our purchasing power, we can contribute to building a more just and equitable society while also supporting local economies and protecting the environment.

Our social procurement strategy is not just a one-time initiative, but an ongoing commitment to making a positive impact through our procurement practices.


Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander

Apprentices & Trainees


Gender equality

Diversity & Inclusion 


Local community


Opportunities and engagement with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community

Participation in Apprenticeship and traineeship programs

Opportunities and equality for individuals with a disability and organisations that provide support

Increasing and supporting diversity of gender in the workplace, including in non-traditional roles

Building a workplace that values diversity and promotes inclusion

Opportunities for individuals who are disadvantaged in our community and abroad

Selecting the right local suppliers, contractors and partners who share our values

Engaging in environmentally sustainable practices to reduce our carbon footprint

Associated Rigging Apprenticeship Program

We remain committed to actively collaborating with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations to advance reconciliation and indigenous inclusion in our workplace. This dedication not only enhances our business but also fosters lasting positive effects within our community.

Our ongoing commitment includes actively listening to the perspectives of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and taking meaningful steps to promote reconciliation.

Increasing safety and reducing psychological injuries

Associated Rigging prioritises safety and wellbeing by minimising psychosocial risks and promoting general and mental health. Our ethos emphasises empowering individuals to improve their physical and mental health through healthy lifestyles, personal development, and addressing non-work-related factors.


We foster a psychologically healthy workplace through initiatives such as an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), promoting mental health services, participating in mental health programs like Bluehats, implementing policies, providing comprehensive training, hosting engaging social events, and offering flexible working arrangements. These strategies aim to enhance employee wellbeing and encourage reporting of psychosocial hazards and accessing counselling services in the crane hire industry.

Jack & Ryan Careers at Associated Rigging
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